A Canadian research institute explained that today’s young generation are too much using different kind of the social networking website and they are unknown that they are struggling with their mind which is not beneficial for their health. First and main issue is they consume too much time in posting many of the statuses on twitter, instagram and face book. Dr. Hugues Sampasa-Kanyinga said that it is much difficult to explain that which method is effective to use of social network especially for their mental health. However this study is only the explanation of the connection between the use of these website and mental health problem and does not explain the cause and effect. He added that many of the young generation are disturbing their mental health by spending too much time on the social websites. Many of the children are interacting with us who feel loneliness and isolation and in this way they suffer from some sort of mental problem. Researcher surveyed in the school of Ottawa where he visited 750 students for this purpose.
One quarter of the students said they used social network web site for 2 hours in a day and one fifth of the people said they never used or rarely used this web site. Half of the children said that they suffered from the use of social websites but except of those who use for two hours in day or less. Two third of the children recorded their excellent health condition. Fifth people had good mental condition where 17 percent people described their health condition very poor. Campbell said, the too much use of anything can lead to the problem and show negative effects but still more research is needed that how much use of these kind of the websites put negative effects on mental health problem of children.