Everyone is shouting from the roof top about the magic pill Viagra. Every discussion amongst men seems to include the same topic on Viagra. The speed with which the drug is disappearing from the sales counters and the way the sales volumes are shooting up does make us sit up and wonder what is happening.
Today print media as well as external visual media and internet are flooding viewers with more and more advertisements and information. Everyone is reading about the magical cure properties of this pill Viagra. We all know that the information is perceived and understood by different people differently. The opinions formed and the perceptions are largely governed by the viewer’s background, culture, education and exposure besides attitude. Does everyone believe that Viagra really cures them of their ills? Many people out there seem to think that it increases their libido while many others believe that it will prevent or cure HIV aids.
What is it about Men's psyche that a lack of sexual drive or erectile dysfunction can affect their morale and self esteem? It is generally seen that men who are not able to perform or engage in a sexual activity satisfactorily seem to think of themselves being in adequate. They take this to be a defect in their personality and loose their sense of well being.
Assuming that Viagra does help them regain their abilities and cure them of the erectile dysfunction, the question is how long can this be sustained. Body will continue to age and slow down organs. Natural process of ageing does make one loose the ability to perform as well as loose interest in sex.
Does everyone consider this fact before rushing to take Viagra with a hope to get instant cure? Do think about it.